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  Name Title
Jamie Aubin Aubin, Jamie Art
Amie Bailey Bailey, Amie Science Teacher
Katie Baker Baker, Katie International Liason
Emma Barlow Barlow, Emma World Languages
Rachel Barnell Barnell, Rachel Advancement Assistant
Alexis Barnhart Barnhart, Alexis Mathematics
Gene Beck Beck, Gene
Andrea Bertke Bertke, Andrea Maintenance
Ann Bertke Bertke, Ann English
Ashley Bowers Bowers, Ashley Mathematics
Beth Branum Branum, Beth World Languages
Luke Brenner Brenner, Luke Social Studies
Matthew Brenner Brenner, Matthew Mathematics
Brooke Butler Butler, Brooke Assistant Band Director
Cody Byrd Byrd, Cody Social Studies
David Conard Conard, David Religion
Anthony Cotterman Cotterman, Anthony Maintenance
Heather Crago Weston Crago Weston, Heather School Psychologist
Heather Crago-Weston Crago-Weston, Heather School Psychologist
Janet Davis Davis, Janet
Samantha Doggett Doggett, Samantha English
Nicole Druck Druck, Nicole Student Information Coordinator
Joyce Dunham Dunham, Joyce School Nurse
Linda Edwards Edwards, Linda Yearbook
Elizabeth Emser Emser, Elizabeth Director of Teacher Development
Kiersten Fenske Fenske, Kiersten Family & Consumer Science
Melissa Fisher Fisher, Melissa Religion and Campus Ministry
Meaghann Fite Fite, Meaghann Operations Director
Emily Fogus Fogus, Emily Intervention Specialist
Allison Ford Ford, Allison Intervention Specialist
Michael Franz Franz, Michael Director of Communications
Laurie Fuhr Fuhr, Laurie Science
Julia Gomez Gomez, Julia World Languages
Courtney Graham Graham, Courtney Counselor
Peter Grant Grant, Peter Student Teacher
Cecilia Grosselin Grosselin, Cecilia Mathematics
Kimberly Hensley Hensley, Kimberly Computer Science and AP Coordinator
Jennifer Hentrich Hentrich, Jennifer Attendance Secretary
Jason Hughes Hughes, Jason Facilities Manager
Marcia Hughes Hughes, Marcia English
Tiffany Hunsinger Hunsinger, Tiffany Religion
Kelley Ingram Ingram, Kelley Business Assistant
Kevin Kates Kates, Kevin Business Manager
Diane Keller Keller, Diane Computer Science
Jill Kilby Kilby, Jill Dean of Academics
Tara Knopp Knopp, Tara Director of Community Engagement and Inclusion
Dana Koesters Koesters, Dana World Languages
Michael Lakin Lakin, Michael Industrial Technology
Melissa Leaman Leaman, Melissa Advancement Assistant
Sarah Lesiak Lesiak, Sarah Mathematics
Renee Merland Merland, Renee Art
Scott Molfenter Molfenter, Scott Athletic Director
Mindy Monell Monell, Mindy Assistant to the Principal
Acacia Morrell Morrell, Acacia English
Meghan Mulligan Mulligan, Meghan Science
James Murray Murray, James Religion and Campus Ministry
Christina Neidhard Neidhard, Christina Teacher
John Neuman Neuman, John English
Gretchen Obergefell Obergefell, Gretchen Science
Chris Ochs Ochs, Chris Business
Mary Ollier Ollier, Mary Mathematics
Christopher Pennington Pennington, Christopher Counselor
Erik Ramsey Ramsey, Erik Teacher/Administrator
Marilou Rulli Rulli, Marilou Administrative Assistant, Athletics
Matthew Sableski Sableski, Matthew Principal
Stephanie Sagasser Sagasser, Stephanie Intervention Specialist
Martha Saurine Saurine, Martha Director of Campus Ministry
Andrew Seyfang Seyfang, Andrew Social Studies
Cassandra Shea Shea, Cassandra Religion
Cody Smith Smith, Cody Science
Christopher Sorrell Sorrell, Christopher Social Studies
Suzanne Sorrell Sorrell, Suzanne Scholarship Coordinator
Carl Soucek Soucek, Carl Music
Emily Sreenan Sreenan, Emily Religion
Tony Stefanek Stefanek, Tony Mathematics
Lydia Stickel Stickel, Lydia English
Benjamin Swick Swick, Benjamin Intervention Specialist
Todd Tayloe Tayloe, Todd Science
Heather Terbay Terbay, Heather Director of Admissions
Courtney Thompson Thompson, Courtney Social Studies
Julie Weitz Weitz, Julie Director of Alumni Relations
Toni Weitz Weitz, Toni Bookstore Manager
Samantha Welch Welch, Samantha English
Kathy West West, Kathy Administrative Assistant, Counseling
Jane Wiggins Wiggins, Jane Transportation Manager
Peter Williams Williams, Peter Director of Advancement
Jessica Wilson Wilson, Jessica
Donald Wright Wright, Donald Information Technology Director
Laura Wright Wright, Laura Science
Christine Youngerman Youngerman, Christine Bookstore
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