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Carroll High School Family and Consumer Science Department Chair Kiersten Fenske
Chair Ms. Kiersten Fenske

Welcome to the Family and Consumer Science (FCS) Department at Carroll High School! Our goal is to improve students’ ability to be successful in today’s world.  In order to accomplish this, students learn and use 21st century skills through hands-on experiences and are challenged to think critically and creatively to address real life situations while working effectively in a team. We want students to achieve optimal and sustainable living as individuals, in their families and in their communities. We offer a wide variety of classes including Chef’s World, Creative Baking, Global Gourmet, Interior Design, Fashion Design, Child Development, and Independent Living.  We also address the many career opportunities that students can explore in the realm of FCS whether in Apparel Merchandising, Dietetics, or Early Childhood Education; the possibilities are endless! Carroll’s Family and Consumer Science classes teach students valuable skills that they will use for a lifetime!

Course Descriptions

Child Development

This course will focus on the developmental stages of children from birth through school age, including prenatal development and the birth process.  Different family types, parenting styles, and basic parenting skills necessary for each developmental stage will be covered.  The relationship between children, learning, and play will also be studied.

Independent Living

This course will satisfy the graduation requirement for earning 1⁄2 credit in Financial Literacy.

This course is designed to promote a healthy lifestyle and self-sufficient living as the student approaches adulthood.  Topics such as money management, time management, personal management, goal setting, job interviewing, and resumes are included.

Interior Design

This course is designed for students interested in the principles of interior and exterior design of today’s homes.  The course will be devoted to housing styles from pre-colonial to modern times.  The principles of good design, home furnishings, and interior decorating will be explored through a second quarter design project.

Fashion Design

This course introduces the world of fashion.  Students will learn about the elements and principles of design, fabrics and textiles, a brief history of fashion, and how to build a wardrobe.  We will explore the fashion industry, learning about designers, careers, clothing construction, and how to read trends. Students will show their creativity through hands-on projects as they learn the basics of color and design.

Chef's World

This course is for students interested in nutrition and its relationship to one’s health. Laboratory experience develops the basic cooking techniques. Food purchasing, food storage, kitchen equipment and kitchen safety are included.

Global Gourmet

Prerequisite: Chef’s World with a 2.0 or above

This course provides additional studies and experiences in nutrition and culinary projects.  Topics included are meal management, table settings, foreign and ethnic foods, and regional American cuisine.

Creative Baking

Prerequisite: Chef’s World with a 2.0 or above

This course will focus on baking, both sweet and savory.  Topics include breads, yeast breads, pies, tarts, tortes, cakes of all types and flavors, pastries, cookies from foreign lands, and regional specialties of the United States.

Department Faculty

Ms. Kiersten Fenske, Chair

M.A. Workforce Development and Education, The Ohio State University

Patriot 5k