Computer technology is changing the way Americans manage their business, formal studies, homes, and recreation. Advancing students' understanding of the principles and practices of computing like programming and coding is a major aspect of STEM Education and critical to developing a more competitive workforce of the modern world. We believe every student should achieve a basic level of computer skills at Carroll High School.
In addition to encouraging the use of the computer as a tool in other courses, the Computer Science Department offers a variety of formal computer courses. Students have hands-on use of computer-based instruction giving students the experience and technical skills necessary to be successful in the new millennium.
Google Suite
Students will learn to improve their skills with the main elements of office applications like documents, spreadsheets, and presentation software in various content learning exercises. Students will also improve their keyboarding skills.
Computer Science Principles
This course is for students who have average keyboarding and computer skills. Students will develop or improve their knowledge of documents, spreadsheets, and presentation software. This course introduces students to the central ideas of computer science. Students will investigate the innovations that computing has made possible and examine ethical implication of new computing technologies.
Honors Computer Science Principles
Prerequisite: Honors Mathematics program; Honors Math students are encouraged to enroll in this course.
This course introduces students to the central ideas of computer science, instilling the ideas and practices of computational thinking and inviting students to understand how computing changes the world. The course focuses on using technology as a means to solve computational problems. Students will investigate the innovations that computing has made possible and examine ethical implications of new computing technologies. The course is organized around the investigation of seven big ideas developed by the AP Computer Science curriculum. By the end of the course the students, will create one of the two required performance tasks, which require students to explore the impacts of computing.
Online Computer Science
Note: The course is offered only during the summer and will appear on Family Portal in the following Fall semester.
This course is for students who have average keyboarding and computer skills. Students will develop or improve their knowledge of documents, spreadsheets, and presentation software. This course introduces students to the central ideas of computer science. Students will investigate the innovations that computing has made possible and examine ethical implication of new computing technologies.
To participate in this course, students must have daily access to the internet. Each student is required to spend a minimum of 60 hours (independently) to fulfill the minimum course requirements. All course requirements and grades are available on an Online Learning Management System (Blackboard is currently being used).
Online Honors Computer Science Principles
Prerequisite: Honors Math Program; Honors Math students are encouraged to enroll in this course.
Note: The course is offered only during the summer and will appear on Family Portal in the following Fall semester.
This course introduces students to the central ideas of computer science, instilling the ideas and practices of computational thinking and inviting students to understand how computing changes the world. The course focuses on using technology as a means to solve computational problems. Students will investigate the innovations that computing has made possible and examine ethical implications of new computing technologies. The course is organized around the investigation of seven big ideas developed by the AP Computer Science curriculum. By the end of the course, the students will create one of the two required performance tasks, which require students to explore the impacts of computing.
To participate in this course, students must have daily access to the internet. Each student is required to spend a minimum of 60 hours (independently) to fulfill the minimum course requirements. All course requirements and grades are available on an Online Learning Management System (Blackboard is currently being used).
Programming Basics
Prerequisite: Google Suite or Computer Science Principles and completion of Algebra I with 2.0 or above
This course introduces students to the principles of computer science and programming. This course provides a thorough introduction to programming concepts and emphasizes logic, structured programming and design. Students will develop problem solving skills, including loops and conditional statements. Students will also have the opportunity to design simple computer animations and computer games.
ALICE and JAVA Programming
Prerequisite: Programming Basics, Honors Computer Science Principles, Scholarship Geometry with a 3.0 or above or teacher recommendation
This course is intended to give students hands-on introduction to object-oriented computer programming concepts using the ALICE & JAVA programming language. Students will use ALICE & JAVA to design and test algorithms, code them into programs, correctly apply the syntax of the language, and properly document programs. They will develop a number of programming principles including loops, selection statements, structured and object-oriented design, data structures, event-driven design, and use interface design.